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Forum - New skin cancer drug approved

FDA approved a drug for advanced melanoma

Tags: cancer, modern medicine FTW, yes I can put annoying tags up so everyone can see them! [ Add Tags ]

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Wolf BirdPosted: Aug 19, 2011 - 23:18

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

New drug got approved quickly, and is meant for late-stage melanoma, which if not caught early, is basically a guaranteed death sentence. It blocks a gene mutation that promotes uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.

Yeah, drug companies don't want to help cancer patients. I want the altie-health cancer people to explain exactly how their treatments work on cancer.
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Omni-SciencePosted: Aug 19, 2011 - 23:26

Ordo Ab Chao.

Level: 8
CS Original
I always wonder why Health Wooers bitch and moan about cancer treatments "making millions" for the producers.

When, it's frequently said to people by their doctors and public health (like the CDC) to be responsible and to check themselves for any suspicious sign of their bodies.

Ex: abnormalities on breasts/testicles, ABCDE's for skin cancer, etc.

I mean, if I wanted to make money treating cancer, I'd make sure that kind of info never gets out to the public , because the late stage cancer treatments are the most expensive, and I would undermine preventative health care whatever way I could, since that is what saves both lives and money in the health care industry.

Health Wooer's can't even understand the point of the health care industry.
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